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Guest Lecture with the theme: "Prospects of Village Government in the Modern Indonesian Government System"

Number: 5862/ UN10.3 / AK / 2015

Notified to students of the Public Administration Science Study Program (S1) and Bachelor of Government Administration Interests, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University regarding the holding of a Guest Lecture which will be held on:

Date and time : Thursday, April 23 2015
O'clock : 09.00 WIB until finished
Place : Hall of Building A 4th Floor of FIA – UB
Speakers: Dr. Drs. Hanif Nurcholis, M.Sc
Theme : Prospects for Village Government in the Modern Indonesian Government System

For students who program the following courses:

1. Mk. Class A Government Administration (Lecturer: Dr. MR Khoirul Muluk, S.Sos, M.Si)
2. Mk. Class B Government Administration (Lecturer: Dr. Rer. Pol. Romy Hermawan, MAP)
3. Mk. Class A Information Organization (Lecturer: Nurjati Widodo, SAP, MAP)
4. Mk. Class K Administration Analysis (Lecturer: Ali Maskur, SAP, MAP, MA)
5. Mk. Class G Administration Analysis (Lecturer: Drs. Stefanus Pani Rengu, MAP)
6. Mk. Class B General Election System (Development Planning Interest) (Lecturer: Dr. Wike, M.Si)
7. Mk. Seminar on Class K Development Problems/Issues (Lecturer: Dr. Abdullah Said, M.Si)
8. Mk. Entrepreneurship/Business Information Services Class A (Lecturer: Anita Tri Widyawati, SS, MA)
9. Mk. State Administrative Law Class A (Lecturer: Dr. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin, MS)
10. Mk. Class F Organizational Behavior and Development (Lecturer: Dr. Mochamad Makmur, MS)
11. Mk. Capita Selekta Entrepreneurship Class D (Lecturer: Dr. Firda Hidayati, MPA)
12. Mk. Class A State Civil Service Administration (Lecturer: Dr. Fadillah Amin, MAP)

MANDATORY ATTENDANCE at the activities mentioned above, proof of attendance will be counted as face-to-face lectures.
Thus for this notification to make attention.

Malang, April 20 2015
and Dean,
Head of the Department of Public Administration
Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Sc
NIP. 19600112 198701 1 001

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