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Guest Lecture from Universiti Utara Malaysia

Number: 13232/UN10.3/AK/2014

Notification to all students of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, regarding the holding of a Guest Lecture from UUM Malaysia which will be held on:

                    Day/Date: Wednesday, 22 October 2014

                    Time: 09.00 until Finish

                    Place: Gd Hall. A Lt. 4

                    Presenters: Ahmad Martadha Mohamad Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.

                Theme/Title: Representative Bureau of the Entry of Women
                                                       And Minority Groups in The Malaysian Civil Service.

To undergraduate students who program the following courses:

  1. Class-G Organizational and Administrative Theory (Lecturer: Niken Lastiti VA, SAP., MAP)
  2. J-Class Organizational and Administrative Theory (Lecturer: Dr. Endah Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Si)
  3. Class-C Public Management Theory (Drs. Fadillah Amin, MAP)
  4. International Relations Class-E (Lecturer: Dr. Hermawan, M.Si)
  5. Class-H Public Information Systems Management (Lecturer: Nurjati Widodo, SAP., MAP)
  6. Class-B Indonesian Government System (Lecturer: Niken Lastiti VA, , SAP., MAP.)
  7. Indonesian Government System Class-J (Lecturer: Shinta Heppy Y., MPA)
  8. Class-B Urban Development Policy (Lecturer: Moh. Said, S.Sos., MAP.)
  9. K-Class Environmental Policy (Lecturer: Dr. Imam Hanafi, M.Si.)
  10. K-Class Leadership (Lecturer: Dr. Sarwono, M.Si)


  1. Postgraduate student in Double Degree class MK. Research methods

with Lecturer Dr. Suryadi, MS.


  1. Doctoral program students for MK courses. Research Methods with lecturers

lecturer Prof. Dr. Abdul Yuli Andi Gani, MS; and Dr. Suryadi, MS.


MANDATORY ATTENDANCE in the activities mentioned above, proof of attendance will be counted as a face-to-face lecture.


Thus, this notification is intended to attract attention.

Malang, 14 October 2014
and Dean
Ka. Administration Section,
Drs. Edy Kuncoro's painting
NIP. 19591113.198103.1.002

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