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Guest Lecture from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Notified to Students of the Public Administration Study Program And Interest in Government Administration Science to attend Guest Lecture held on:

Date and time: Monday, December 15 2014
O'clock: 09.00 WIB until finished
Place: 4th Floor Hall of Building A FIA UB
Presenters: Prof. Chung-hee Lee (Department of Political Science and Diplomacy — Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Characteristic: MUST


Participants are all students taking the following courses:

  • Introduction to Public Administration Science, Class E, Adm Science Study Program. Public
  • Governance Theory, Classes C and D, Adm. Science Study Program. Public
  • International Relations, Classes G and K, Adm. Science Study Program. Public
  • Indonesian Government System, Class G, Adm Science Study Program. Public
  • Capita Selekta Entrepreneurship, Class A, Adm Science Study Program. Government
  • Development of Regional Autonomy, Classes A – C – E, Adm. Science Study Program. Government

Attendance is counted as face-to-face lectures. Thus to be noticed

Thank You
Head of the Government Administration Science Study Program
Dr. Luqman Hakim, M.Sc
NIP. 195608011981011001

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