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Don't Believe Messages On Behalf Of University Officials

In connection with the widespread fraud attempts via short messages (SMS) sent to FIA UB academics, we hereby inform you that messages on behalf of officials within FIA UB and Brawijaya University, which usually contain an invitation to the recipient of the message to attend an event at The Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti), is not true

Fraud Attempt Message received by one of the FIA UB students recently

To clarify these messages, here's how to prevent them, here we convey an appeal from the Public Relations Coordinator of PSIK FIA UB. 


Dear. FIA UB Academic Community, especially Students,

Occasionally there is information about attempted fraud via SMS that I receive. Usually the content of the news is in the form of an order to contact a certain official, either at the faculty or rectorate, because the SMS recipient receives an invitation to attend the Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti).

Friends, you should respond to this kind of fraud attempt calmly and with a clear mind. If you know, with just a little linguistic knowledge, we can know whether this SMS was really sent by him or someone else who has evil intentions.

As in the case that recently happened to one of our friends in the Tourism Study Program. Look at the picture below. This is clearly a fraudulent SMS. Try observing these two points:

1. This SMS claims to have been sent by “Mr. Dr. MR Khairul Muluk”. Yes, it is true that he is our current Assistant Dean I. But note:

1.1. It is impossible for Mr. Muluk to call himself Mr. Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, in this SMS it is written as "Mr.Dr.MRKhairul Muluk".

1.2. The way his name is written, and also the name of our Dean, Prof. Bambang Supriyono, is written without a space after the period, shows that the author is not a highly educated person. Remember: A person's quality can be seen from the language he speaks/writes. The higher a person's level of education, the better their language skills: in terms of content, organizational structure, grammar, and meta-text (use of punctuation, etc.).

2. The structure of writing this SMS is unnatural. Because natural SMS usually begins with a call to the SMS recipient. For example, “Mas Abdi” or “Father” (if addressed to an older person). Meanwhile, this SMS directly states "I am Mr Dr... etc". It is reasonable to suspect that this is a machine-made SMS to send SMS to many people at once with different sender names (SMS Gateway application).

3. If there is an invitation from Dikti to students, it must be:

3.1. Conveyed officially in the form of a written letter to the person concerned. Usually in the form of a disposition from the Dean to the organizational structure below it until it reaches the target student.

3.2. Usually it will be delivered via PD I staff, or Head of Department and Head of Study Program, or at least Head of Academic Subdivision who has direct contact with students.

At least 3 clearly visible signs can prove that this SMS is a fraudulent SMS. Friends, don't be immediately dazzled by the mention of "big names" in the SMS. Please check first with the authorities at the faculty. Just decide whether the news is true and needs to be followed up or not.

Thank You. ?

Aulia Luqman Aziz
Coords. Public Relations of PSIK FIA UB

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