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Holds National Guest Lecture, S1 Library Science Study Program Prepares Professional Librarians Ahead of MEA 2015

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In today's era of rapid development of technology and information, as well as with the imminent implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the challenges faced by information professionals or librarians are even greater. This is an interesting discussion in the national guest lecture entitled "Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities for Information Professionals in Facing MEA" which was held by the Library Science S1 Study Program FIA UB, Monday (25/5). In the event which was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB, attended by Labibah Zain, M.LIS, Drs. Gatot Tjatur Mardiantoro, MM, and Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi, M.Sc as the resource person, Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, M.Hum as the moderator, and the participants consisted of FIA UB students and several other campuses in Malang.

Gatot Tjatur, Labibah Zain, Ratih Nur Pratiwi, dan M. Rosyihan Hendrawan
Gatot Tjatur, Labibah Zain, Ratih Nur Pratiwi, and M. Rosyihan Hendrawan

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS conveyed the challenges faced by the Library Science S1 Study Program as a relatively new study program. According to the Dean, it takes hard work from all elements of lecturers and students to promote this study program to the level of established similar study programs on other campuses. The Dean added that his party had received figures in the field of library and information science to broaden students' insights and to make this study program more well-known, one of which was the presence of the Head of the National Library of Indonesia some time ago. "Currently there are opportunities for internships and international excursion studies with other campuses in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. We will facilitate if any of the students are interested," added the Dean.

Meanwhile, Labibah Zain, M.LIS in his presentation expressed his concern for the competency of librarians in Indonesia. According to him, currently one can still find librarians with minimal or no librarian educational background. In fact, special knowledge about the current library is absolutely necessary so that the quality of information management goes well. He mentioned that there are at least seven competencies that a librarian must possess. "A librarian is not only smart in his field, but must also have social skills, management skills, IT, research and publishing, language skills, and local awareness," emphasized the lecturer at UIN Sunan Kalijaga who also serves as the Country Representative for the Special Library Association (SLA). The Asian chapter.

Suasana Kuliah Tamu
Guest Lecture

In another session, Head of Archives Rescue Division, East Java Library and Archives Agency, Drs. Gatot Tjatur Mariantoro, MM explained about the vital function of libraries in the context of educating the life of the nation. According to him, since the amendment to Law no. 32 of 2004 became Law no. 23 of 2014 which obliges local governments to manage libraries and archives, information professionals or librarians absolutely must develop and improve their competence. Gatot is of the opinion that no nation in the world can progress without having a library. "Therefore, the East Java Library and Archives Agency has established a vision, mission, and programs that aim to create a society that loves to read," Gatot said.

Peresmian HMPIP oleh Dekan FIA UB
Inauguration of HMPIP by the Dean of FIA UB

On the sidelines of this guest lecture, there was an inauguration of the Library Science Study Program Student Association (HMPIP) FIA UB. The inauguration was marked by the beating of a gong by the Dean of FIA UB and witnessed by all participants. After the event, HMPIP FIA UB invited student representatives from Library Science study programs from several campuses in Malang to share knowledge and exchange opinions about organizational development and library science. (ALA/RN/AT/FIA)

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