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Socialization of Business Administration Undergraduate Internship Activities 2021

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Creative and Fun Internship in the Pandemic Era Held on Saturday, April 17 2021, 09.00 – 11.40 WIB via Zoom Meeting Meeting ID : 868 2165 8262 Passcode : Magangoke Can be viewed live via the Business Administration Study Program channel at Information This event is a mandatory activity for the 2016-2019 class who have not … Read more


Hello, Arek Bisnis! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There is the latest information for friends who are majoring in business regarding Internship Socialization for class of 2018. This event will discuss the flow of apprentices to the terms of apprenticeship which will be held on: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ? : Thursday, February 4 2021 ⏰ : 09.00 WIB – end ?: Zoom Cloud Meeting Zoom Link … Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 1388/UN10.F03.05.01/PP/2021 Following up on the letter from the Head of Business Administration Study Program (S1) Number: 1309/UN10.F03.12.11/PP/2021 dated 1 February 2021, we convey the following matters: following: Explanation of the PSAB curriculum as stated in the 2019/2020 Education Guidebook which states that the total number of Semester Credit Units (SKS) for passing a minimum as a PSAB student is 144 credits (pages 43-49) … Read more


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It is informed that all students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya will immediately take the TOEFL and TI tests as a mandatory requirement for compre and/or graduation exams. In this regard, students from batch 2017, 2018, 2019 and so on MUST take the TOEFL and TI tests when programming thesis. Compre and/or graduation registration MUST include proof of TOEFL test results (certificate) … Read more

List of Period VIII Graduation Participants for the 2019/2020 Academic Year

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LIST OF NAMES OF GRADUATION PARTICIPANTS PERIOD VIII, TA. 2019/2020 No NIM Name of Study Program 1 155030107111046 TEVI ANA DEWI,S.AP. Public Administration Science 2 155030101111042 PURI DITA PUTRI WIJAYA,S.AP. Public Administration Science 3 155030100111065 NUR ANANDA CAHYATI,S.AP. Public Administration Science 4 155030100111082 HANDLE MOCHAMAD,S.AP. Public Administration Science 5 155030100111092 LISA PARWANTI,S.AP. Public Administration Science 6 155030107111055 HUSNA … Read more

Announcement of Period IV Dress Rehearsal and Graduation for 2019/2020 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 12928/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 :: Dress Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal at FIA-UB Must be attended by Candidates for Graduates Period IV 2019/2020, which will be held on: Day, Date: Friday , 1 November 2019 Time : 08.30 WIB Place : Hall, 4th floor of Building A FIA UB :: Toga collection and invitation to take toga and … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period III of the 2019/2020 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 11908/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period III TA. 2019/2020 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: September 30 - October 4 2019 Place: Sec. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation... Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period II of the 2019/2020 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 10922/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period II TA. 2019/2020 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 09 - 13 September 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation. … Read more

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