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Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Graduation Gowns for Period I of 2014/2015 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 10917/UN10.3/KM/2014 IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEAN REGION AT UB FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES FOR PROSPECTIVE GRADUATES/WATI : Period I FY 2014/2015 at : Day/Date : Friday/19 September 2014 Time : 08.30 WIB Venue : Hall Floor 4 Building A FIA UB Prospective graduates MUST take part in the … Read more

Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period I Academic Year 2014/2015 Undergraduate Program

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 10916/UN10.3/KM/2014 Debriefing of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period I for the 2014/2015 academic year, will be held on: Day : Saturday Date : 13 September 2014 Time : 08.00 WIB – finish Speaker : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Ristika Kurnia Nestiorini, SP, Linda Ilfiana Mahalesi, S.Psi, Andito Aryo Dwi Putro Theme: Job Selection … Read more

Correction of Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester 2014/2015 Public Administration Study Program

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The following is the Revised Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester 2014/2015 for Public Administration Study Program: Islamic Religious Education, Class F Originally: Thursday, 15.15 WIB, Room F1.09 – Changed to: Friday, 08.30 WIB, Room G1.01 Organizational Theory, Class G Originally: Tuesday, 15.15 WIB, Room G1.02 – Changed to: Monday, 15.15 WIB, Room G1.04 Organizational Theory, Class H … Read more

Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester Academic Year 2014/2015

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The following is the Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester Academic Year 2014/2015: Business Administration Study Program, Taxation Study Program, International Business Study Program, Hospitality and Tourism Study Program, The following is the Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester Academic Year 2014/2015 for UB Kediri Students and Univ Credit Transfer . Lambung Mangkurat: Schedule for UB Kediri Students Schedule for Univ. Credit Transfer Students Stomach … Read more

Class Distribution of New Undergraduate Program Classes of 2014

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The following is the Class Distribution for New Undergraduate Students Class of 2014: A. Department of Public Administration Study Program Public Administration Study Program/Interest in Government Administration Study Program/Interest in Development Planning Study Program/Interest in Library Science B. Department of Business Administration Study Program of Business Administration Study Program Taxation Study Program /Interest in International Business Study Program/Hospitality and Tourism Interest (only 1 class) Note: For students whose names are … Read more

Implementation of Graduation Period I Academic Year 2014-2015 (Update 15.09.2014)

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In connection with the fulfillment of the Period I Graduation quota for the 2014/2015 Academic Year, we hereby inform you of the following: The graduation procession was held on September 20, 2014. There were no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday 19 September 2014 at 15.00 WIB at Samantha Krida UB. Faculty can take invitations… Read more

Official Notification Regarding Fraud in the Name of Universitas Brawijaya

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We hereby convey to all academicians of Universitas Brawijaya and the general public to be careful and not to make transactions via the internet with accounts acting on behalf of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and using UB's official photos, symbols and logos. UB's official social media accounts are only @UB_OFFICIAL (Twitter) and Universitas Brawijaya Malang (Facebook). Please be careful when providing information... Read more

Circular Letter Concerning the Use of Private Vehicles for New Students of Universitas Brawijaya

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Number : 4109/UN10/TU/2014 Dear. All New Students of Brawijaya University Malang In order to maintain order and comfort of traffic on campus, it is necessary to regulate parking and the flow of vehicle traffic on campus. In this regard, new students are prohibited from bringing and parking vehicles on campus for 1 (one) semester in the first semester. Thus the letter... Read more

Announcement of Platoon Distribution of New Student Undergraduate Program Class of 2014

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The following is the distribution of platoons for the 2014 PKKMABA series of activities, which can be downloaded here. The Information Center implementation schedule for 30 – 31 August 2014 is as follows: 1st and 2nd Platoon, 30 August 2014, 08.00 WIB – finished 3rd and 4th Platoon, 30 August 2014, 08.20 WIB – finished 5th Platoon … Read more

2011-2013 PKKMABA Graduation Requirements (Error)

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No. 10207/UN10.3/KM/2014 Based on the Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaa University No.12 of 2014 concerning General Instructions for Implementation of Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKK-MABA) Universitas Brawijaya Academic Year 2014/2015 Chapter VII article 12 states that participants are students new students enrolled in the 2014/2014 Academic Year and students from the previous year who have not attended or have been declared failed, transfer students … Read more

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