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Announcement of Collection of Files & Graduation Names for Period VI of 2016/2017 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT For Candidates Graduating Graduates Period VI of the 2016/2017 Academic Year (December 3, 2016) Specifically for Undergraduate Study Programs / Levels, it is mandatory to collect validated Graduation Requirements Files on: Day: Wednesday – Thursday Date: November 16 – 24 2016 Place: Sec. FIA – UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Announcement and Collection of … Read more

Chairman of HIPMI: Build a Business, Expand Network and Knowledge

Chairman of HIPMI Bahlil Lahadalia attended the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Friday (11/11). Bahlil's presence was in the series of events "Brawijaya Start-up Action 2016" to fill the "Sharing Knowledge: Inspiring Business Session" session. In his lecture, Bahlil talked a lot about his experiences in building a business so that he can now have 10 companies. According to Sandiaga Uno's replacement as... Read more

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