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MIZAN Scholarship Information 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Based on a letter from Mizan Rompia, Mizan has re-launched the mizan scholarship program in 2017. Mizan has paid great attention to encouraging enthusiasm for producing quality writing among campuses, one of which is by providing scholarships. Writing with the theme "Research of Final Work which must have the theme of Islamic studies in terms of various aspects". As for the terms and conditions of the MIZAN scholarship… Read more

Open Recruitment: ESPRIEX ASEAN BMC Project Officer 2017

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Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, is looking for PROJECT OFFICER of ESPRIEX Business Model Competition Asean 2017! ESPRIEX is an Asean level of Business Model Competition that has been successfully held in the past three years and has also been collaborating with respected universities in the world. Qualifications: – Business student … Read more

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