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Circular of the 2016 Student Credit Transfer Program

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Based on a letter from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs Number 404/B2/LL/2016, it was notified that Kemristekdikti would implement a Student Credit Transfer program to several countries in ASEAN, ASEAN Plus Three and Europe/ASEM. Kemristekdikti allocates a budget for 50 PTN and PTS students throughout Indonesia. For Universities participating in the Credit Transfer Program… Read more

Announcement of Dress Rehearsal and Collection of Graduation Gowns for Period XI of 2015/2016 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CLEAN RELADY at FIA – UB For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XI (July 30 2016) will be held on: Day / Date : Friday / July 29 2016 Time : 08.30 WIB Place : Hall of Building A Floor IV FIA – UB For Candidates graduates are required to take part in the Dress Rehearsal. Toga and Invitation Collection will be held… Read more

Cooperation Proposed Hero Candidates for Indonesia 2016

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In relation to the Heroes for Indonesia 2016 program from MNCTV, it is a program to reward selected figures for selflessly dedicating their lives for the benefit of the people. Inspirational figures were chosen from various backgrounds and regional origins. MNC sets a number of criteria with requirements, one of which is that the figure must be nominated by another party. Please … Read more

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