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2016 Curriculum RPS Workshop on the Tax Study Program

The Tax Study Program held a "2016 Curriculum Semester Learning Plan (RPS) Workshop" on 27-28 May 2016. The event which was held at the Horison Ultima Batu Hotel was attended by 55 lecturers supporting all subjects in the Tax Study Program. All participants are asked to prepare a Semester Learning Plan (RPS) which includes a description of activities for 16 face-to-face meetings … Read more

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Correction of UAS Even Schedule for Academic Year 2015/2016 for Undergraduate Programs (Regular Update)

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Adm. Science Study Program Public Government Business and Community | Class A | Thursday, 23-06-2016 | 13.00 WIB | Previously Room G1.5, moved to Room F1.3 Global Governance | Class E | Wednesday, 22-06-2016 | 13.00 WIB | Originally Room A2.12 was moved to Room B5.1 B5.2 Indonesian Socio-Cultural Systems Library Science Study Program | Class A… Read more

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