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Elly: The educational process at FIA is very good

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During her visit to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Thursday, 20 November 2014, Elly Muchtoria expressed her joy at the educational process at FIA UB. The woman who serves as Head of the Finance Section of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop & UKM) of the Republic of Indonesia has a daughter who is currently studying at the Study Program … Read more

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Guest Lecture Department of Public Administration

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 15052 /UN10.3/AK/2014 Announced to all students of Public Administration Study Program (S1) and Postgraduate Program (S2 & S3) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya in connection with holding a Guest Lecture which will be held on: Day /Date : Monday, 24 November 2014 Time : 12.00 PM S/D Finish Place : … Read more

The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM will Disburse Entrepreneurial Capital Assistance for Students

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Universitas Brawijaya has long ordained itself as a "World Class Entrepreneurial University", a vision that will continue to be built to equip its graduates with entrepreneurial spirit and spirit. This vision was glimpsed by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop & UKM) of the Republic of Indonesia to establish cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship. This collaboration is realized, among other things, by providing entrepreneurial capital ... Read more

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