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Socialization of Internships for Undergraduate Students of the Department of Public Administration Class of 2011

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Announced to all Public Administration Undergraduate students Class of 2011, Internship Socialization will be held on: Day: Friday Date: 6 December 2013 Time: 13.00 WIB Place: Building C Floor 3 FIA It is thus of this announcement so that the student concerned can pay attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

B-Fast (Facilitator Business)

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FIA UB, B.Fast Committee. B-Fast (Business Facilitator) is a work program of the Business Administration Student Association (HIMABIS) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya with the aim of providing a forum for students majoring in Business or Administrative Sciences in particular, in the form of independent business applications engaged in advertising. The advertising services provided are spreading the advertisement via video … Read more

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