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Announcement Upload Public Administration Journal Vol.7

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ANNOUNCEMENT Notified to Public Administration undergraduate students who have completed journals, to take part in JAP Journal Account Registration & Upload Vol. 1 No. 7 (SESSION I), which will be held on: Þ DAY & TGL : Friday, 30 August 2013 Þ TIME : 09.00 WIB Þ PLACE : Seminar Room (501) Building B FIA UB (Floor … Read more

Registration of Period II Graduation Participants for the 2013/2014 Academic Year

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Notified to all students who have taken the Yudisium that registration for Graduation Period II for the 2013/2014 academic year has been opened. Students who wish to enroll can complete the required requirements. Graduation registration forms can be obtained at the Student Affairs Subdivision, Building B Floor 1. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

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