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Complaint Handling and Gratification Control Team (TP3G)

Gratification Control

The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, hereby issues the Dean's Decree, Number 153 of 2024, concerning the Appointment of a Team for Handling, Complaints and Gratification Control (TP3G). Download document.

The main tasks and functions of TP3G include: :

  1. Prepare rules, technical instructions and other similar needs to support the implementation of gratification control.
  2. Receive, analyze and administer reports of receipt and rejection of gratuities from
    civil servants and/or state administrators.
  3. Forwarding gratuity receipt reports.
  4. Report a recapitulation of gratification reports periodically.
  5. Submit the results of the management of gratification reports and proposed gratification control policies.
  6. Conduct socialization of gratuity rules.
  7. Manage gratuity goods.
  8. Carry out mapping of vulnerable points for receiving and giving gratuities, and
  9. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of gratification control.

Giving in a broad sense includes giving money, goods, rebates (discounts), commissions, interest-free loans, travel tickets, lodging facilities, tourist trips, free medical treatment and other facilities. These gratifications are either received domestically or abroad and are carried out using electronic means or without electronic means

  1.  Qrelated to the provision of services to the community outside of legal receipts;
  2. Regarding the process of accepting new students, the teaching and learning process, the process of determining scholarship awards, determining educational costs, and/or the process of providing research funds;
  3. Related to tasks in the budget preparation process outside of legal receipts;
  4. Related to tasks in the inspection, audit, monitoring and evaluation process outside of legal acceptance;
  5. Related to the implementation of official travel outside of legal/official acceptance from UB;
  6. Regarding the employee recruitment/promotion/transfer process;
  7. Regarding the process of communication, negotiation and implementation of activities with other parties related to the implementation of their duties and authority;
  8. As a result of cooperation agreements/contracts/agreements with other parties;
  9. Expressing gratitude before, during, or after the process of procuring goods and services;
  10. Hgifts or souvenirs for employees/supervisors/guests during official visits;
  11. Entertainment facilities, tourist facilities, vouchers by UB Officials/Employees in activities related to the implementation of their duties and obligations with Gratification providers which are not relevant to the assignment received;
  12. Pprovision in any form before, during or after the thesis, thesis and dissertation examination process;
  13. Carrying out work related to the position and contrary to the obligations/duties of UB Officials/Employees; and/or
  14. Qrelated to the implementation of duties and functions in providing academic, administrative and other general services.
  1. Every UB official/employee is obliged to refuse gratuities that are known from the start to be related to their position and contrary to their obligations or duties
  2. Every UB official/employee is prohibited from giving gratification to civil servants or other state administrators who are related to their position and contrary to their obligations or duties.


  1. Gifts due to family relationships, namely grandfather/grandmother, father/mother/in-law, husband/wife, child/daughter-in-law, adopted child/legal guardian, grandchild, in-laws, uncle/aunt, brother/sister/sister-in-law, cousin and nephew, as long as not there is a Conflict of Interest;
  2. Money or goods that have sales value in the implementation
    engagement parties, weddings, births, aqiqah, baptisms, circumcisions, teeth cutting, or other traditional/religious ceremonies up to a maximum of IDR 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) per gift per person in each activity;
  3. Gifts related to a disaster or calamity experienced by the recipient, father/mother/in-law, husband/wife, or child of the Gratification recipient at a maximum of IDR 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) per gift per person for each event;
  4. gifts to fellow employees in the context of farewells, retirements, promotions and birthdays which are not in the form of money or not in the form of cash equivalents at a maximum of IDR 300,000.00 (three hundred thousand) per gift per person with a total gift of IDR 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) within 1 (one) year from the same donor;
  5. Gifts from fellow co-workers are not in the form of money or not in the form of cash equivalent of a maximum of IDR 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand rupiah) per gift per person with a total gift of a maximum of IDR 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) in 1 (one) years from the same donor;
  6. General Applicable Dishes or Servings;
  7. Academic or non-academic achievements that are participated in at one's own expense, such as championships, competitions or competitions that are not related to official service;
  8. Profits or interest from generally applicable fund placements, investments, or personal share ownership;
  9. Benefits for all employee cooperative participants based on General Applicable civil servant cooperative membership;
  10. Seminar kits in the form of a set of modules, stationery, plaques, certificates, bags, clothing and other forms of promotional equipment with logos or information related to generally applicable agencies, which are accepted in seminars/training/workshops/conferences/comparative studies or similar activities;
  11. Awards in the form of money or goods related to improving work performance given by the government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
  12. Receiving gifts or allowances in the form of money or goods related to improving work performance provided by the government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; or
  13. Obtained from compensation or professions outside the service, which are not related to the duties and functions of UB Officials/Employees, do not have a Conflict of Interest and do not violate the Chancellor's Regulations and the code of ethics of the relevant UB Officials/Employees.

Gratification Control is a system that aims to control the receipt of Gratification in a transparent and accountable manner through a series of activities involving the active participation of government agencies, the business world and the community to form a Gratification control environment.

Yes, Gratification Reporters are entitled to legal protection

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