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What is KKN?

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya is proud to announce the implementation of the 2024 Community Service Program (KKN). This KKN will take place from 1 to 31 July 2024 and will be implemented in 10 sub-districts in Malang Regency, covering 60 villages. A total of 1,259 students will be involved in this program, divided into 60 groups.

The KKN program, known as Community Service (PKM), is an important learning process for students. Through KKN, students will get a platform to get to know real conditions in society directly. This activity encourages students to think critically and contribute as part of the solution to problems faced by society. KKN combines the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities, namely the implementation of learning/education results, lecturer research results, and community service activities.

In 2024, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) seeks to increase the flexibility and effectiveness of the Community Service Program (KKN) by involving all faculties in its coordination, not only through the KKN Service Center (Pusyan KKN). UB's Faculty of Administrative Sciences, as one of the participating faculties, carries the theme "Strengthening Village Governance and Local Economy" as a continuation of the 2022 KKN program.

This theme is in line with the big goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the United Nations (UN). The students will carry out various activities covering various aspects, such as alleviating poverty, meeting food needs, improving health and education, empowering women, and preserving the environment. Through this KKN activity, students are expected to act as agents of change who contribute positively to the achievement of SDGs at the local and national levels.


List of 2024 PKM-KKN Groups

There are 60 groups distributed to 60 villages in Malang Regency for the implementation of PKM-KKN 2024

Group 1

Gading Kembar Village

Group 2

Jabung Village

Group 3

Kemantren Village

Group 4

Sukolilo Village

Group 5

Agrosari Village

Group 6

Sidomulyo Village

7th Group

Gedogwetan Village

Group 8

Pagedangan Village

Group 9

Talok Village

Group 10

Respons Village

Group 11

Jeru Village

Group 12

Talangsuko Village

Group 13

Pucangsongo Village

Group 14

Sumberpasir Village

Group 15

Pakiskembar Village

Group 16

Sumberkradenan Village

Group 17

Ampeldento Village

Group 18

Sekarpuro Village

Group 19

Tirtomoyo Village

Group 20

Pandanajeng Village

Group 21

Ngingit Village

Group 22

Kambingan Village

Group 23

Tulusbesar Village

Group 24

Benjor Village

Group 25

Duwet Krajan Village

Group 26

Gunungsari Village

Group 27

Gunungronggo Village

Group 28

Purwosekar Village

Group 29

Jatisari Village

Group 30

Tajinan Village

Group 31

Jambaerjo Village

Group 32

Tangkilsari Village

Group 33

Sumbersuko Village

Group 34

Sudimoro Village

Group 35

Kasri Village

Group 36

Bakalan Village

Group 37

Gading Village

Group 38

Sukonolo Village

Group 39

Krebet Senggrong Village

Group 40

Kuwolu Village

Group 41

Lumbangsari Village

Group 42

Permanu Village

Group 43

Karangpandan Village

Group 44

Glanggang Village

Group 45

Wonokerso Village

Group 46

Sutojayan Village

Group 47

Wadung Village

Group 48

Kemiri Village

Group 49

Mangunrejo Village

Group of 50

Jenggolo Village

Group 51

Kedungpedaringan Village

Group 52

Sumbersuko Village

Group 53

Gondowangi Village

Group 54

Petungsewu Village

Group 55

Sokodadi Village

Group 56

Sidorahayu Village

Group 57

Banjarsari Village

Group 58

Kranggan Village

Group 59

Babadan Village

Group 60

Maguan Village

Number of 2024 FIA UB PKM-KKN Participants

FIA UB collaborates with the Malang Regency government in the context of Delegating KKN Groups to various villages spread across Malang Regency.
0 +

Number of Students

0 +

Number of Villages

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