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Rizal Ramli Opens Voice About Economy, Politics, and Unity in Indonesia

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Economy, politics and unity are currently being discussed in Indonesian society. Through an event organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Rizal Ramli Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs for the 2015-2016 period and also an economist was invited to a public lecture entitled Measuring Indonesia in the Future: Economic, Political and Economic Challenges Unity, on Thursday (25/10/2018).

Taking place in the Hall of Building A of FIA UB, Rizal Ramli delivered material to encourage people to always improve the nation's economy and reduce imports from neighboring countries. He researched when the Indonesian economy was weakening, then tightening was carried out on it.

The atmosphere of Rizal Ramli's Public Lecture

"This is what needs to be changed from the thinking of this nation so that it is on par with developed countries, such as China and Japan. Japan rarely lends money and China almost never does. They rely on the strength of their nation. China and Japan rely on breakthrough policies in solving all their problems without having to borrow money," said Rizal.

According to Rizal, Indonesia has hope to be more advanced if the spirit of democracy is changed. Currently, Indonesia is filled with a criminal spirit where if you want to become a Governor or up to the People's Representative Council (DPR), then there is always a continuous circulation of money. He advised, for this reason society must change to a criminal democracy that must be accountable.

"There must be financing of political parties in Indonesia," he added.

Furthermore, Rizal regretted that Indonesia, which is basically a tropical area, which has a lot of water reserves and an abundance of workers, has not become an "Asian Food Bowl." He advised that a higher policy and vision be held for Indonesia so that it would be more advanced in the future,

On the occasion of his speech, Yusri Abdillah, M.Sc., Ph.D as Deputy Dean I of FIA UB also considered that the economy in Indonesia locally would be connected globally in the future.

"Hopefully it can add insight into the enthusiasm of students and activists on this occasion. Pancasila will be the foundation of the economy," Yusri said

"A Figure Who Continues to Fight for People's Economy" from BEM FIA UB for Rizal Ramli

For his courage in expressing opinions and helping the people, especially farmers, BEM FIA appreciates Rizal Ramli's performance by giving an award in the nomination "A Figure Who Continues to Fight for the People's Economy". The award was directly given by the President of BEM FIA UB, Naufal Azaki.

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