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Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Lecturer in Business Administration Study Program


S1 : Universitas Brawijaya

S2 : Bandung Institute of Technology

Human Capital Management

  • Business Statistics
  • Introduction to Business
  • Human Resource Information System
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Introduction to Organization Studies
  • Human Resources and Planning and Development

Fahreza, D., Setyono, L., & Nurtjahjono, G. (2023). How to improve Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture? Equity: Economic Journal11(1), 67-79.

Nurtjahjono, GE, Setyono, L., Sugiastuti, RH, & Fisabilillah, RJ (2023). Predicting turnover intention through employee satisfaction and organizational commitment in Local Banks in East Java. PROFIT: Journal of Business Administration17(1), 94-102.

Setyono, L. (2023). Strategy to Increase Salary Satisfaction of Y Generation Employees to Enhance Job Performance (Case Study on Kompas Gramedia). Indonesian Business Journal14(1).

Saifi, M., Hidayat, K., Setyono, L., Sandi, K., Kurnia, L., & Aina, AN (2022). Does intellectual capital affect firm performance through financial policy? KnE Social Sciences, 789-804.

Siswanto, E., Takada, A., Kurniawan, DT, Prasasti, A., Fachrunnisa, R., & Setyono, L. (2022, May). Designing Village Idea Lab as Digital-based Incubator of Ideas and Innovation in Efforts to Establish New Entrepreneurs on Village Youth in East Java. In 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Setyono, L. (2021). The Influence of Islamic Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at Bank Muamalat Malang Branch. Publicuho Journal, 4(2), 239-247.

Setyono, L., & Pujiastuti, Y. (2021). Strategies for Facing Environmental Dynamics in the Industrial Age 4.0 Using Learning Organization. PROFIT: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JOURNAL15(2), 14-23.

Heru, S., Alfrian, FD, Langgeng, S., & Siti, B. (2019) The Effect Of Talent Management On Employees' Innovative Work Behavior And Commitment To Change.

Setyono, L. (2018). Managing Global Human Capital and Information System in Digital Transformation Era in Indonesian Manpower Placement Services. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences3(3), 470-476.

Digitalization of Tourism Promotion and Optimization of Featured Products Based on Local Commodities in the Ngebel Tourism Area, Ponorogo Regency

Building an Entrepreneurial Culture Among Youth Based on Local Wisdom to Support the Development of Ngebel Lake Tourism

Implementation of a web-based application for independent driver management at MSME Digital Transporter Partners in the greater Malang area

School Management Training for Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum at Maarif Educational Institutions in Malang Regency

Processing dried earthworms as an effort to increase the income of the people of Kasembon Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency

Counseling on Talent Interests for Teenagers in Preparation for Determining Study and Career

Post-Covid19 Community Economic Empowerment through Improving the Governance of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Jatisari Village, Tajinan District, Malang Regency

Efforts to Increase Digital Literacy Capabilities for Non-Formal Education Teachers Through Method Training and Making Learning Media in Jambon, Pakis, Malang Regency

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