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Position: Professor
Categories: Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Lecturer in Business Administration Study Program, Lecturer in Administrative Science Doctoral Study Program, Lecturer in Master of Business Administration Study Program

Prof. Dr., MBA

S1: Universitas Brawijaya

S2 : Northern Territory University

S3: Universitas Brawijaya

Business strategy

International business

Human Resource Management

Human Resources International


Performance Appraisal and Rewards

2022 : 

Exploration of the Success of E-HRM System Adoption (Prof. Dr. MOCHAMMAD AL MUSADIEQ, MBA)

The Influence of Employee Competency on Technology Compatibility, Adoption of Green Information Technology and Employee Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Prof. Dr. MOCHAMMAD AL MUSADIEQ, MBA)

The Impact of Job Placement on Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of Power Plant Employees in Sumatra, Indonesia (DYAH, W., UMAR, N., AL MUSADIEQ, M., & NAYATI, U. H)

2021 : 

Online Advertising Creative Business Opportunities for Millennials (Prof. Dr. MOCHAMMAD AL MUSADIEQ, MBA., MUHAMMAD FAISAL RIZA, S.Sos., M.Sc., Dr. Drs. RIYADI, M.Sc.)

The Role of Determining Factors in Determining Intention to Continue Using E-learning Management Systems (Dr. Drs. RIYADI, M.Sc., MUHAMMAD FAISAL RIZA, S.Sos., M.Si.)

Business Department Academic Service Satisfaction Survey during the Pandemic (Prof. Dr. MOCHAMMAD AL MUSADIEQ, MBA)

Determinant factors of donation intention and the role of religiosity: A case study in Indonesia (SUSANTO, Agus, Suharyono SUHARYONO, Mochammad Al MUSADIEQ, and Mochammad IQBAL)

2020 : 

International Online Game Business for New Career Opportunities for Millennials as a Form of Creative Economy (Prof. Dr. Drs. Mochammad Al Musadieq, MBA, Dr. M. Faisal Riza, S.Sos, M.Si)

Effect of Work Conflict, Work Involvement, and Family Work Conflict on Turnover Intentions and Intention to Move Through Job Satisfaction as a Moderation (Prof. Dr. Drs. Mochammad Al Musadieq)

Investigation on Work-Life Balance of a Nurse: Antecedent and Consequence (Christien Adriani Karambut, Umar Nimran, M. Al Musadieq, Kusdi Raharjo)

Ki Hadjar Dewantara Leadership Concept Development as a Sustainable Shareholder Value Driving Force. (NUGROHO, S., NIMRAN, U., MUSADIEQ, MA, & SOLIMUN, S.)

The Role Of Innovation In An Android-Based Overtime-Tracking Application For Managing Human Resources (Mochammad Al Musadieq Musadieq., Muhammad Faisal Riza., Riyadi)

Factors That Affect User Satisfaction Of Electronic Learning Management Systems (ELMSs) (Riyadi, R., Nimran, U., Sukoharsono, EG, & Al Musadieq, M)

The effect of job characteristics, person-job fit, organizational commitment on employee performance (study of East Java BPJS employees) (Nurtjahjono, GE, Nimran, U., Al Musadieq, M., & Utami, HN)

2021 : 

Dissertation Proposal Making Training (Prof. Dr. MOCHAMMAD AL

2020 : 

FIA UB Goes to School: Education and Mentoring in the Context
Building a Future Financial Life (Prof. Dr. Drs.
Mochammad Al Musadieq, MBA, Aulia Luqman Aziz, SS, S.Pd, M.Pd,
Andhyka Muttaqin, SAP, MPA, Detha Alfrian Fajri, SAB, MM)

E-Learning Literacy of Teaching Staff at the Prince Islamic Institute
Diponegoro, Nganjuk, East Java (Dr. Drs. RIYADI, M.Si, Mochammad Al
Musadieq, Prof. Dr., Drs., MBA, Dr. Teuku Noerman, ST., MM., MPA)

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