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Fadel Muhammad, The First Professor of Public Sector Entrepreneurship in Indonesia

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Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fadel Muhammad was officially inaugurated as Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in Public Sector Entrepreneurship, on Thursday (23/8/2018). Also attending the inauguration were UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS., Head of the UB Senate, Prof. Dr. Ir. Arifin, MS., and Professors as well as invitees and family from Prof. Fadel. On the same occasion, Prof. Fadel also gave a speech about the Role of Fadel Model Public Sector Entrepreneurship for Improving the Quality of Local Government Performance in UB's Widyaloka Building.

Prof. Fadel said he was proud and grateful for the achievements of professors at Universitas Brawijaya, especially FIA UB. "The field that I am working on is still relatively new in Indonesia, but abroad there has been much development, namely entrepreneurship in government," explained Fadel. In addition, the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2009 – 2011 period wants to develop this field, especially to apply to the Government sector, both Regents and Governors.

According to Fadel, good government performance is being able to make the people self-reliant and foster public trust.public trusts). With an entrepreneurial approach, the management of government—especially local government—needs to be changed. "The most important thing is the perspective on APBD management which must be seen and treated as capital to create public benefits in the form of increased income and people's trust," added the former Governor of Gorontalo for the 2001-2009 period.

From this thought, Fadel developed ideas about public sector entrepreneurship. This is in line with the government's attitude that wants to improve public services, especially at the local government level, most of them are still not good. The results of the Government Agency Performance Accountability evaluation (AKIP), the average score for district and city governments throughout Indonesia in 2016 was only 49.87. A total of 425 local governments or 831 TP3T districts and cities still fall into the C category (sufficient or minimal). The results of the Indonesian Ombudsman's research regarding compliance with Law no. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, the results are not so good. A total of 391 TP3T from the total provincial government has a low level of compliance, while for district/city governments there are 65,751 TP3T.

There are four important messages conveyed by Prof. Fadel, among others. It was recommended by the central government to make a road map (road map) national public sector entrepreneurship which is used as a guideline for implementing public sector entrepreneurship in government circles; There needs to be a national public sector entrepreneurship policy that provides stimulants and incentives to local governments to carry out sustainable innovations and breakthroughs to improve their regional performance; The government needs to give awards to regions that are able to improve the quality of their performance; output public sector entrepreneurship is when the people have high income and public support for the government (public trusts).

At the end of his scientific speech, he also gave advice to the government to have a series of innovations and policy breakthroughs to change the practice of better governance.

"Regional characteristics, the vision of the regional head, the leadership style of the head of the faerah are factors that play a significant role in determining the success of replicating Fadel Model public sector entrepreneurship," said Prof. Fadel.

The Fadel model itself is a collection of theorems about the importance of entrepreneurship to improve the quality of local government performance. There are several theorems that have been studied by him, namely the capacity of entrepreneurial management significantly influences the performance of local governments; Organizational culture significantly influences local government performance; factor endowment regions significantly affect the performance of local governments; macro environmental factors significantly affect the performance of local governments; organizational culture significantly influences entrepreneurial management capacity; factor endowment significantly affect the entrepreneurial management capacity; macro environmental factors significantly affect the entrepreneurial management capacity.

Furthermore, Prof. Arifin as Chair of the Senate appreciated Prof.'s seven-year struggle. Fadel in achieving the title of Professor. "We are grateful and happy with Prof. Fadel became a Professor of Entrepreneurship, the only one in Indonesia who was born in UB. Very similar and in line with UB's vision, which is to become a World Class Entrepreneur University," said Prof. Arifin.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Arifin also hopes that the knowledge developed by Prof. Fadel can benefit the environment and the more advanced Indonesian society.

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