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MABA Photo Update 2017 at SIAM UB


Number: 8318/UN10/A01/PP/2017


In connection with the imminent printing of Student Identity Cards (KTM) for new students in 2017, we announce a number of things to all new UB students as follows:

  1. All 2017 class new students are required to re-upload a passport photo at SIAM.
  2. Upload a new passport photo with the following conditions:
    1. Male (mama mater suit, white shirt, UB tie, red background, size 4×6)
    2. Female (alma mater jacket, white shirt, UB tie, red background, size 4×6)
    3. Woman wearing headscarf (white headscarf, red background, UB alma mater jacket without tie, size 4×6)
    4. File size 50 KB – 2 MB
    5. Proportional photo display
  3. Double-checking the writing of names and their suitability with certificates and residence documents.
  4. For new students whose names are written incorrectly, please immediately make improvements to the UB TIK Helpdesk by bringing supporting evidence in the form of a diploma from the previous level of education or residence documents (Birth Certificate, KTP, KK, etc.).
  5. Improvements to photos and names of new students will be carried out from date 12 September 2017 – 18 September 2017.

Thus this announcement. Thank you for your attention.

Vice Chancellor I

Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono
NIP 195904061985031005

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