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Correction of Judicial Announcement 18 May 2017

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Number : 6 5 9 0 /UN10.F03.01/PP/2017


In connection with the implementation of the SBMPTN test on Tuesday May 16 2017, we inform students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences that registration deadline Judiciary Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs are;


Date : May 15 2017

Hours: 16.00 WIB

Registration place ;

  • S1 Public : Public Department Staff (Building B Floor 5)
  • S1 Business: Business Department Staff (Building B, 4th Floor)
  • Public Masters: Public Masters Study Program Staff (Building C, 2nd Floor)
  • S2 MMPT : MMPT Study Program Staff (Building C, 2nd Floor)
  • Master of Business: Staff of Master of Business Study Program (Building C, 2nd Floor)
  • S3 : Administrative Science Doctoral Program Staff

All files for graduation requirements must be fulfilled, signed by the lecturer concerned.



An Dean,

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs


Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, M.Sc

NIP 197105101998031004


A college student atmustare you wearing:

1. White Shirt

2. Black Bottoms (Long pants/skirts to the ankles)

3. Wearing Alma mater

4. For those who are hooded, wear a plain white scarf

5. Closed black shoes

6. For those who do not meet the criteria mentioned above, are not allowed to take part in the judicial procession


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