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Class Schedule for Short Semester Academic Year 2014/2015 Business Administration Study Program

Business Administration Study Program

  1. Business Mathematics Applications (Sri Sulasmiyati, S.Sos, M.AP)
    Monday – 06.30 WIB
    Tuesday – 06.30 WIB
    Wednesday – 06.30 WIB
    Space: B.4.1
  2. Statistics/Business Statistics (Dra. MG Wi Endang NP., M.Si)
    Monday – 09.15 WIB
    Tuesday – 09.15 WIB
    Wednesday – 09.15 WIB
    Space: B.4.2
  3. Financial Accounting I (Drs. M. Saifi, M.Si)
    Thursday – 06.30 WIB
    Friday – 06.00 WIB
    Saturday – 06.30 WIB
    Space: B.4.1
  4. Financial Accounting II (Devi Farah Azizah, S.Sos., M.Si)
    Thursday – 09.15 WIB
    Friday – 08.30 WIB
    Saturday – 09.15 WIB
    Space: B.4.2
  5. Financial Accounting III (Drs. Nengah Sudjana, M.Si)
    Monday – 12.30 WIB
    Tuesday – 12.30 WIB
    Wednesday – 12.30 WIB
    Space: B.4.1
  6. Management Information Systems (Rizki Yudhi Dewantara, S.Sos, MPA)
    Thursday – 12.30 WIB
    Friday – 13.00 WIB
    Saturday – 12.30 WIB
    Space: B.4.1
  7. Cost Accounting I (Drs. Dwi Atmanto, M.Si)
    Monday – 15.15 WIB
    Tuesday – 15.15 WIB
    Wednesday – 15.15 WIB
    Space: B.4.2


  • Short Semester Lecture 29 June – 15 August 2015
  • During the month of Ramadan, the lecture schedule is as follows:
    06.30 WIB becomes 06.00 WIB
    09.15 WIB becomes 08.15 WIB
    12.30 WIB becomes 10.00 WIB
    15.15 WIB becomes 12.30 WIB
    18.00 WIB becomes 14.15 WIB
    Friday special
    06.00 WIB fixed
    08.30 WIB to 07.45 WIB
    13.00 WIB to 09.30 WIB
    15.30 WIB becomes 13.00 WIB
    18.00 WIB becomes 14.45 WIB

So that you can pay attention

Thank You,
FIA UB Academic Subdivision

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