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2011-2013 PKKMABA Graduation Requirements (Error)

No. 10207/UN10.3/KM/2014

Based on the Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University No.12 of 2014 concerning General Instructions for Implementing the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKK-MABA) of Brawijaya University for the 2014/2015 Academic Year Chapter VII article 12, it is stated that participants are new students registered in the 2014/2014 Academic Year and previous year students who have not participated or were declared not to have passed, students transferring programs and students transferring from other universities.

For this reason, students from the 2011 to 2013 class who do not have a PKK-MABA certificate are required to take part in the 2014 PKK-MABA on October 4 2014 at FIA UB. For further information, please contact the PKK-MABA CP Committee: 085648792282/085785786675 with the writing format: NAMA_NIM_JURUSAN/PRODI no later than September 20 2014. The written letter can be seen here.

Thus, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.

FIA UB Student Affairs Subdivision




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