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Announcement Upload Public Administration Journal Vol. 1 No. 8



Notified to FIA Bachelor of Public Administration students who have attended account registration & uploaded JAP journals on Thursday, 05 September 2013; for follow-up activities JOURNAL UPLOAD (Session II) on:

Þ  DAY & DATE : THURSDAY, September 12, 2013

Þ  TIME : 09.00 a.m

Þ  PLACE : OR Room @Building B FIA UB (5th Floor)

As for students who have not participated in account registration activities & uploaded JAP journals, they can register themselves with the JAP Admin (Building B FIA UB Lt. 5) before Monday. Wednesday (11 September 2013); by submitting the following documents:

  1. Biodata;
  2. Approval of Thesis Advisor;
  3. Journal Originality; And
  4. Journal files.



  1. It is expected that before participating in Account Registration & Journal Upload Session I activities to adjust each journal manuscript in accordance with author guidelines And templates available at about tab on the JAP website.
  2. During activities JOURNAL UPLOAD, every student is required to bring laptops & chargers and previously confirmed that the internet connection on each laptop can function properly.
  3. For further information, please contact the JAP admin in the JAP Journal Room Lt. 5.

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