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FIA UB Academic Community Wins the 2011 UB Blogmetric Award

On this day, December 29 2011, an assessment was carried out on all blogs owned by lecturers, students and staff to determine the winner of the 2011 UB Blogmetrics Award competition. Based on the number of posts and webometrics parameters and while still considering the content of the blogs created, the assessment team decided that The main winners for the UB Blog Metrics Award 2011 are:


Name Users Domain Blog Name of the owner
nuhfil Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR
Pandu Adikara's son Pandu Adikara's son, S.Kom
eriq Eriq Muhammad Adams J, ST


Name User Domain Blog Name of the owner
Rizal 'espe' Setya Perdana Rizal Setya Perdana
Everlasting Setyono Everlasting Setyono
Yakhsyaa Amrullaah J Yakhsyaa Amrullaah J


Name User Domain Blog Name of the owner
Ida Paloepi Ida Paloepi (MIPA)
Wempi Naviera Wempi Naviera (FIA)
academicfp Fandik Nurkijanto (FP)

Thus the results of this decision were determined in Malang on December 29 2011. The jury's decision is absolute and cannot be contested. This decision is made in accordance with the conditions at the time of the assessment. The complete winners are listed in the attachment to this letter.

Prizes can be collected on January 9 2012 at the PPTI Office, Rectorate Building, 2nd Floor, during working hours. Thank You.

Malang, December 29 2011

Assessment Team


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