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2013/2014 Fast Track and Double Degree Program Scholarship Offers

No. 8686/UN10.3/AK/2013

It is announced to all students of the 2009 and 2010 Business Administration Undergraduate Study Program (S1) with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) above 3.50 that the opportunity to take part in the Program is open. FastTrack And Double Degree Faculty of Administrative Sciences 2013/2014 Academic Year. Registration and selection of prospective scholarship recipients will be carried out on:

Date and time: Tuesday, August 20 2013
O'clock: 09.00 WIB
Place: FIA Master of Administration Program Room (Building C, 2nd Floor)
Condition: bring a photocopy of KHS for the entire semester and a photocopy of 1 (one) copy of KTM each

Thus this notification so that it can be noticed.

Thank You,
FIA UB Academic Subdivision

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