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Registration for Introduction to Campus Life and National Insight (PK2WK) Activities

Number: 12877/UN10.3/KM/2014

In connection with Announcement Number: 12513/UN10.3/KM/2014 regarding the Implementation of Activities for Introduction to Campus Life and National Insight (PK2WK) which will be held on Sunday, 12 October 2014 in the Hall, Floor III, Building C, FIA UB, at 06.30 – finish. Especially for FIA students class 2011, 2012, and 2013 PASSED However His PKK MABA Completion Certificate was lost, then you can choose the following options:

  1.  Follow PK2WK by registering via SMS with the format Department_NIM_Name send to 0856 4879 2282, or
  2. Deliver Loss Letter from the Police (ORIGINAL) to the BEM FIA Secretariat.

Thus this announcement is made. Say thank you for your attention.
Malang, 08 October 2014
and Dean
Assistant Dean III
Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu, M.Sc
NIP. 19550902 198202 2 001

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