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Temu AdMIIndonesian Young Administrators (AdMI) is a research-based communication forum. This year it will be held by Brawijaya Malang University with Grand Theme "Development Policy Based on Local Advantage Potential". The 2013 AdMI Gathering was organized by HUMANISTICS, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University. On 22-25 September 2013, it will be attended by the Mayor of Malang, Chair of LAN, Bappenas, and the Department of Tourism and Culture.


  1. For delegates, please make a payment of IDR 500,000.00 via BNI and Finna Putri Gasenda Bank account 0300925403
  2. Permanent members of TEMU AdMI are required to send a summary of their research results on 2-6 September 2013 in soft copy form via the official TEMU AdMI 2013 email.



Fb: Meet Admin Brawijaya

Twitter : @TemuAdmi2013

CP : 081555366610 (Onkky)

: 08990336610 (Veli)

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