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Two Lecturers of FIA UB Trusted to Serve as General Chair and General Secretary of East Java IFTAA

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Simultaneously with the implementation of the National Seminar on Taxation entitled "Base Erosion and Profit Sharing in Tax Revenue, Economic Growth, and State Sovereignty”, the Inauguration and Inauguration of the East Java branch of the Indonesian Fiscal and Tax Administration Association (IFTAA) was also held. The Indonesian association of fiscal and tax administration now officially has a second branch after being established in East Nusa Tenggara Province. To fill the management, two taxation lecturers were entrusted to fill the positions of general chairman and general secretary of IFTAA East Java, namely Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat and Yuniadi Mayowan, M.AB. So far, the two of them are used to working together as Head and Secretary of the FIA UB Tax Study Program.

Inayati memukul gong tanda resmi berdirinya IFTAA Jawa Timur
Inayati hits the gong, marking the official establishment of the East Java IFTAA

IFTAA is a scientific (and professional) organization that is independent and scholarly and functions as a forum for taxation academics and practitioners to gather. learning outcomes tax education. Thus there is an increase in the competency of Indonesian tax human resources both academics and practitioners in the legislature, executive and judiciary.

As a scientific and intellectual institution, so that the rulers, competent authorities and parties who influence the Indonesian taxation system are known, IFTAA along with several administrators and stakeholders had an audience with the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education (Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasir) on 12 February 2015 and Minister of Finance (Prof Dr Bambang Permadi Sumantri Brojonegoro) on March 12 2015. Prior to that, IFTAA together with friends from the Department of Administration FISIP UI had an audience with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance (Dr Ki Agus Badaruddin) in January 2015. Next, with Mrs. Secretary General of IFTAA and Deputy Dean for Administration, HR and Finance FISIP UI on April 16 discussed with the Expert Team for Tax Policy to the MoF and DGT from the World Bank about evaluating the realization of TR I 2015 APBNP revenues and some suggestions for solutions. Some of the substance of the discussion which has also been conveyed in a letter to them so that they are willing to grant it, for example are as follows: (1) requesting the restoration of the inclusion of the fiscal/tax study program in the attachment to the Ministerial Regulation; (2) include the participation of graduates of the Tax Vocational, D IV Tax, and S1 Fiscal/Tax Administration programs in the recruitment of CPNS Ministry of Finance not only in the Tax Analyst profession, but all processes of taxation, Customs, Fiscal Analysis Agency and other positions; (3) expanding the tax study program other than at the FIA (tax administration), but also at the Faculty of Economics (tax policy analysis), and at the Faculty of Law (tax law); (4) involving IFTAA and Universities in forming a certification and competence consortium; and (5) the realization of the provision of PMK-111/2015 which states that DIV and S1 alumni of the Fiscal/Tax Study Program are entitled to Brevet A. We also convey to the Expert Team from the World Bank the need to increase the capability of HR in Taxation through Bachelor or D4 education in Fiscal/Tax Study Program in FIA, FEB, and FH.

Inayati memimpin proses ikrar pengurus IFTAA Jawa Timur
Inayati led the East Java IFTAA management pledge process

The full composition of the East Java Province IFTAA management is as follows:

Chairman : Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Sc.

Vice Chairman : Aryo Prakoso, SE., Ak., MSA., CA

General Secretary : Yuniadi Mayowan, S.Sos., M.AB

Deputy General Secretary : Dr. Heru Tjaraka, M.Sc.

General Treasurer: Otto Budihardjo, Ak., MM, CPMA., BKP

Deputy General Treasurer : Dr. Kariyoto, SE, MM, Ak.




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