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Prof Noor A Siddique (Flinders University): Writing must be ready to be criticized and rejected

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Research and publication of research results is the essence of a lecturer's job. Without both, one cannot be fully called a lecturer. Aside from being a means of self-existence for a lecturer, research and publications are also useful for increasing the university's ranking among other universities in the world. 

That is a piece of insight shared by Prof. Noor A Siddiquee (Flinders University, Australia) this afternoon in the Seminar Room, Building B, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Wednesday (17/2). Noor's arrival to FIA UB is in the context of establishing cooperation between the two institutions in the fields of education and research. Noor himself currently serves as Associate Dean at the School of Social and Policy Issues, Flinders University. The arrival of Noor was also used by FIA UB lecturers to exchange ideas about the prospects for education and research in Australia in an activity entitled "Building Institutional Collaboration“. 

Prof. Noor A Siddiquee (sitting, second from the left) takes a photo with the FIA UB leadership and the lecturers

To the lecturers, Noor explained that the process of publishing scientific articles in international journals is a difficult process. Even more so if the aim is an international journal with a level impact factor (impact factor) is high. However, Noor said that it could be done, as long as it is with full dedication. “The process of publishing articles in international journals is getting more and more difficult, because more and more people are submitting their articles to journals. Whereas reviewers the numbers are disproportionate,” explained the man who was born in Pakistan. 

Noor also shared that he had also experienced rejection several times. However, the rejection was not due to the quality of the article he wrote, but because the topic of the article did not match the purpose and audience of the journal he was aiming for. “I once wrote about taxes in developing countries. Then I sent it to an international journal in the United States. It turns out they were rejected because their reader base is from the United States,” said this public policy expert. 

Apart from that, Noor also shared about the steps to study in Australia. According to him, the first thing that must be done is to ensure student candidates have adequate IELTS scores, especially for skills speaking And Writing. Then, the candidate has to find supervisors at the destination campus who wants to be a supervisor for research proposals submitted by candidates. “Don't write long proposals. Enough 2 to 3 sheets. But make sure there is a purpose to find something new,” he said. 


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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