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Laying the First Stone for the Renovation of the Baitul' Alim Mosque of FIA UB

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The Baitul 'Alim Mosque of FIA UB has been crowded with prayer worshipers who not only come from FIA UB but also other faculties and work units in UB. This makes the number of worshipers present at the time of prayer exceed the capacity of the available space, so that the prayers must be held in shifts. This is the main thing behind the commencement of the implementation of the Renovation of the Baitul 'Alim FIA UB Mosque. Thursday (15/9), UB Rector symbolically started the process of renovating the mosque by laying the first stone.

In his speech, UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS expressed his support for the proposed renovation of the Baitul 'Alim Mosque. The Chancellor reminded that this prayer room still bears the name "Mushola" so that its function does not conflict with UB's Raden Patah Mosque which has started to function as a center for worship for Muslims in UB. "I support the idea of renovating this mosque. But for mosques, let's just keep one in UB, namely the Raden Patah Mosque," said the Chancellor.


Meanwhile, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS explained that lecture hours at FIA UB are arranged so that they don't clash with prayer times. That is what causes many worshipers to attend when prayer time arrives, while the capacity of the Baitul 'Alim Mosque is increasingly limited. "This prayer room will be renovated 100 percent using funds from the community plus FIA UB alumni themselves, so it doesn't burden the state budget," explained the Dean.

After the Groundbreaking ceremony for the Renovation of the Baitul 'Alim Mosque, the Rector of UB and the invited guests went straight to the 4th Floor of the Hall of the Taher Al Habsji Building to take part in the 56th Anniversary of FIA UB's Celebration. Present at the event were professors, lecturers, and staff, both active and retired. Not to forget also the representatives of BEM and LOF in FIA UB.

Rektor UB memberikan sambutan dalam Tasyakuran Dies Natalis FIA UB ke-56
UB Chancellor gives a speech in the 56th Anniversary of FIA UB


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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