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Correction of UAS Even Schedule for Academic Year 2015/2016 for Undergraduate Programs (Regular Update)

Adm. Science Study Program Public

  • Business and Community Governance | Class A | Thursday, 23-06-2016 | 13.00 WIB | Previously Room G1.5, moved to Room F1.3
  • Global Governance | Class E | Wednesday, 22-06-2016 | 13.00 WIB | Previously Room A2.12 was moved to Room B5.1 B5.2

Library Science Study Program

  • Indonesian Socio-Cultural System | Class A | Wednesday, 15-06-2016 | 15.15 WIB | Previously Room G1.3, moved to Room G1.2
  • Indonesian Socio-Cultural System | Class B | Wednesday, 15-06-2016 | 15.15 WIB | Previously Room G1.2, moved to Room G1.3

Adm. Science Study Program Business

  • MSDM seminars * updated 31-05-2016
    It says class A, should be class D,
    Friday, 17-06-2016
    07.00 WIB, Room D2.6, D2.7
  • Business Policy Seminars * updated 31-05-2016
    Class A
    Monday, 06-20-2016
    07.30 WIB, Room A1.1, A1.2

Thus to be noticed

Thank You,
FIA UB Academic Subdivision

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