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Hustler Preparation Class with Ei Lab

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Ei Lab is again holding its routine class, the Hustler Preparation Class. This activity was held on Thursday 15 October 2015 & Friday 16 October 2015 at 15.00 at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Laboratory lt 3 FIA. This activity is a continuation of the previous class. Last May, Ei Lab held a Business Model Canvas Class which was an initial introduction to what a business model is and what are the nine blocks in a business model. In the Hustler Preparation Class, there are two classes. The first class is about Pattern On Business Model. The speaker is the administrator of Ei Lab itself, namely from the Food and Beverage Division Diki Anjasmoro Putro.

Salah satu tim peserta sedang menjelaskan model buatannya
One of the participating teams is explaining the model he made

In the Pattern On Business Model class, the speaker explained about several patterns in business models namely Unbundling, Long tail, Multi-sided, Freemium, Bait and Hook, Razor and Blade, and Open Business Model. In Patterns outlined business models with the same characteristics, setting the same building blocks or the same behavior. Its purpose is to help us understand the dynamics in the business model.

In this activity the participants were formed into several teams and each team was challenged to make one of the patterns in the business model that has been described. Then the team representatives were asked to present the business model pattern that they had discussed.

And for the second class regarding Startup Methodology by the Founder of Hepmee Faza Abadi. This class explains what a startup is and how we build a startup company. A startup company is an enterprise or temporary organization designed to find a repeatable and scalable business model. These companies, generally newly created, are in the development and research phases for the market.

Suasana Hustler Preparation Class
Hustler Preparation Class atmosphere

Basically, starting a startup is easy for students. Apart from still having creativity, enthusiasm and idealism, students also still have freedom and do not have the demand to earn money quickly. If the business fails, students still have the enthusiasm to learn and are still free to develop their ideas.

All you need to do to start a startup business is create brilliant ideas, implement them, and work in a team to create the business. It is also important, don't forget to take advantage of the ease of technology in this era and don't be afraid to fail as Steve Jobs said, “Let's go invent tomorrow, rather than worrying about what happened yesterday”. So, don't be afraid to fail and try again.


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Article/Photo: Femi Bernadetha

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