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Announcement for New Undergraduate Students Batch 2015 (Updated as of 31/08/2015)

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Re: Announcement letter Hello maba


All new students
Faculty of Administrative Science
Universitas Brawijaya
In place


Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

In connection with the holding PKK-MABA ADIRAJA FIA 2015, it is notified to new FIA 2015 students requiring information about PKKMABA can be present at:

Day/Date : Sunday / 30 August 2015

Time: 07.00-17.00 WIB

Place: FIA Basement Building A

Program : Hallo Maba (Information Center)

The following documents related to PKKMABA 2015 can be downloaded:

  1. PKKMABA Official Circular 2015
  2. New Student CVs
  3. Interest and Talent Form
  4. List of Health History
  5. Adiraja Rules v2 *update 300815
  6. Platoon Division
  7. Adiraja's Attributes v2 *update 300815
  8. Adiraja Platoon Book Contents v2 *update 300815
  9. PKKMABA Tasks First Day v2 *update 300815
  10. Adiraja Assignment Song *update 300815
  11. Adiraja Platoon Plan *update 310815
  12. Faculty Map *update 310815
  13. List of Adiraja Mentors *update 310815

Thus we made this announcement letter. We thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Wassalammu'alaikum wr. wb.

PKKMABA Committee "Adiraja FIA 2015"

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