14th Economix (Global Economic Challenges)


The 14th Economix Global Economic Challenges competition’s theme for this year is The Dark Side of Digital Economy: An Overlooked Enigma. Participants’ ideas and knowledge will heavily be observed concerning our world’s ability in maintaining its economic performances in the moment of not only incessant global economic problems, but also many fundamental obstacles which have internally occurred in every country globally. This international competition is opened to all undergraduate students from universities all over the world. Participants of the competition consist of two-person teams, with no minimum threshold for each university to send their teams to the competition. The teams have to register online by filling in the Registration Form which can be obtained from www.economixfebui.com. The completed Registration Form, together with the paper, must be submitted to the committee not later than August 31st 2016. The 14th Economix committee will only accept 16 participants from all papers submitted. The paper assessment will be done by the judges who are experts in their respective fields, which consist of national and international academicians, economists, lecturers and practitioners. The 16 teams that have been selected to participate in the competition will take part in the next two phases, Head to Head Phase and Final Phase. In the Head to Head phase, the team of adjudicators will assess participant’s paper presentation, participant’s knowledge and participant’s speech about topics concerned with the sub-themes which have been provided. In the final phase, the team of adjudicators will evaluate the discussion of case study to determine the winner of 14th Economix: Global Economic Challenges competition.

The first registration guideline please click here, and here for the second.