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Developing Administration Faculty, Lecturers from University of Indonesia “Learn” from FIA UB

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In any time soon, Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University (FIA UB) will have a new friend in developing administration expertise in Indonesia. Indeed through a long process and discussion, Administration Faculty of Indonesia University (FIA UI) will be soon released, at least after the authentication from Senate of Indonesia University in November 20th 2014. It was stated by the Department Secretary of Administration Faculty of Indonesia University, Drs. Muh. Aziz, M.Si, when leading the main lecturers developing FIA UI in FIA UB, in Monday (12/8).

Rombongan FIA UI berdiskusi dengan pimpinan FIA UB
Rombongan FIA UI berdiskusi dengan pimpinan FIA UB

Azis expressed that the development of FIA UI has been opposed for years. Many obstacles and problems have been along the way. “One of which is by the requirement from UI Rector that FIA UI can be developed if the Economy Faculty of Indonesia University changed its nomenclature into The Faculty of Economy and Business,” as he said. Although the process will be still on the way, but the preparation of developing the faculty needed to be organized from now on. “That’s why we need to learn from our ‘big brother’,” he added.

The Dean, the Head and Secretary of the Departments, Head and the Secretary of the Program from FIA UB greeted the group from FIA UI. Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono has shared lots of tips about organizing the faculty, one of which was about the budgeting and organizing the work program. He specified that the commitment of organizing the budget in FIA UB is decentralization. “Most of the budget that will be used depends on the necessity of every departments. Of course there are also tactical budgeting for the unexpected,” he explained.

Muh. Aziz (FIA UI, kiri), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (tengah), M.R. Khairul Muluk (kanan)
Muh. Aziz (FIA UI, kiri), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (tengah), M.R. Khairul Muluk (kanan)

Moreover, Prof. Bambang also stated that every departments in FIA UB has their own exceeding program. For instance, Department of Business Administration has been organizing the Business Model Competition for the second time for not only the discipline development but also for network expansion. Then, the Department of Public Administration also managed to organize Public Policy Model. “The point is FIA UB in this 2015-2020 will move forward into entrepreneurial and world class university,” he stated.

The following sessions were discussion and Q&A about organizing the faculty. The discussion was lengthy for there were many questions from FIA UI, and continued after the lunch break in a more informal situation. (ALA/FIA)

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