Better Understanding for a Better World Indonesia

Haaii keluarga RSC, masih semangat dong buat menulis? nih mimin punya info lomba yang bisa kalian ikuti, cekidot 😀
Bina Antar Budaya Chapter Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia proudly presents „Better Understanding for a Better World Indonesia“ dengan tema „Better Understanding as a Grand Tool to Face the World and South East Asia Challenges“
Pilihan subtema:
– Leadership roles in the age of global village
– The blessing of religious and cultural diversity
– Conflict resolution in managing challenges of social changes
Timeline Kegiatan:
– Deadline for paper: November 5th, 2015
– Announcement: November 15th, 2015
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Veröffentlicht in Info Kegiatan, Info Lomba, Penulisan, PSDA.