The DOKAR Program by Lecturers of Sarjana's Program in Business Administration in Partnership with Universitas Padjadjaran

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(24/11) Sarjana's Program in Business Administration successfully held a program called Dosen Berkarya (DOKAR) with the theme “Models of Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions: Analyze the Influence of Digital Leadership, Innovative Work Climate, Knowledge Sharing, and Job Crafting (Studies in Work Units at Padjadjaran University)”. Dokar was held in collaboration between the Business Administration Study Program of FAS UB and the work unit of UNPAD Bandung. This activity was also attended by students of Sarjana's Program in Business Administration as participants to learn about leadership management research accompanied by Drs. Wiyata, M.AB., Ph.D. as the lecturer/head of the dokar. Langgeng Setyono, S.AB., M.AB (Secretary of the Program) and Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam, SE., MBA., Ph.D. (Expert Staff) was also present and said that the implementation of this activity has added a lot of insight, especially in the management of Leadership, it is hoped that this learning activity will continue. Dr. Pratami Wulan T., S.Sos., M.Sc (Head of the Business Administration Study Program) as well as the guest speaker at this activity conveyed many things about the Digital Transformation Model in Higher Education Institutions: Analysis of the Influence of Digital Leadership, Innovative Work Climate, Knowledge Sharing, and Job Crafting which began to be implemented within the scope of the Padjadjaran University Environmental Work Unit. With this digital transformation model, it can increase the effectiveness of controlling leadership management within the UNPAD Bandung work unit.

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