Updating Work Unit Spirit, FIA UB Holds Position Handover

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FIA UB held a Handover of Positions in all work units under one of the oldest faculties in UB, Tuesday (4/4). On that agenda, some work units were still entrusted to the old manager. Meanwhile, several other work units carried out HR updates. In general, aside from being an annual routine activity, this work unit management rotation is intended to improve work unit performance in particular, and also to assist FIA UB in fulfilling all KPIs that are charged.

Some of the work unit managers after receiving the Dean's Decree

Some of the work units that underwent management updates include the Secretary of the Library Science Study Program, which was previously held by Nurjati Widodo, S.AP., M.AP, now entrusted to Endry Putra, SIKom., MIKom. Then, the Secretary of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program was handed over to Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, SE, MSA.Ak., replacing Nurlita Sukma Alfandia, SE, MSA.Ak. In the Undergraduate Tourism Study Program, the Study Program Secretary is handed over to Drs. Wiyata, M.AB to replace Aniesa Samira Bafadhal, S.AB., M.AB.

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