FIA UB Lecturer Team Explains the Importance of Digital Marketing and Halal Certification

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The Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) through the Student Building Villages (MMD) program held Community Service activities with the main theme of Digital Marketing, Financial Recording, and Halal Certification for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) ) in Blitar Regency, East Java. This activity is a concrete manifestation of UB's contribution in empowering rural communities and MSMEs to develop and compete in the digital era.

Activities that took place in two villages, namely Kedungbunder Village and Rejoso Village, became the main focus of the teaching team involved in this program. The lecturer team consists of Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, SE, MSA, Ak; Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan, SAB, MAB; Endry Putra, SIKom, MIKom; and Edlyn Khurotul Aini, SAB, MAB, MBA, work together to provide socialization and assistance to MSME players regarding the implementation of Digital Marketing, Financial Recording, and Halal Certification.

The Head of Rejoso Village, Mr. Wawan Aprilianto, and the Kedungbunder Village Head, Mr. Purwo Juwito, S.Sos, also provided full support for this activity. On July 24 2023, the first outreach was carried out and attended by 28 MSMEs from Kedungbunder Village and 19 MSMEs from Rejoso Village. The community and SMEs are very enthusiastic in participating in this socialization because this program provides relevant information and can be implemented directly in their business.

The target of this activity is that MSME actors in Blitar Regency can understand the importance of a product being widely known by the public, and also an added point if a product already has Halal Certification. "By using digital marketing and supported by the ownership of Halal Certification, you can reach a wider range of consumers.” said Hanifa, as one of the presenting lecturers when this service activity was carried out.

The next activity is monitoring and evaluation which will be carried out on July 29, 2023. This event was attended by Dhanny Septimawan Sutopo, S.Sos, MSi from the UB Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), who served as the Research and Community Service Institute's monitoring and evaluation team (LPPM) UB. Ika Rahmawati, as a member of LPPM UB's monitoring and evaluation team, accompanied the activity.

"Activity digital marketing This benefit must be felt continuously by you as a business actor. Don't let this event be finished, the process will also be finished” appealed from Dhanny as an evaluator from LPPM.

In the service monitoring activity which was also attended by fellow students, the team of lecturers and MSME actors also held discussions about what obstacles were encountered during the manufacturing process. branding, access marketplace, as well as document requirements in applying for Halal Certification. (EP)

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