The Department of Public Administration will Determine SAF Members from Lecturer Non-Professors

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Department of Public Administration will have work. Namely "Election of Members of the Interim Faculty Academic Senate (SAF) from Non-Professor Deputy Lecturer Elements". This series of activities is planned to be carried out starting tomorrow (4/6) until its peak on Thursday (13/4). This activity was held because one of the SAF Members from the Department of Public Administration was a Non-Professor Lecturer who had been previously appointed, namely Dr.rer.pol. Romy Hermawan, M.AP must be replaced by other lecturer elements. The person concerned currently serves as Deputy Dean at the Vocational Faculty, so that he automatically becomes a Vocational Faculty SAF Member. This provision has been regulated in Pertor UB, No. 12 of 2023, Concerning the Organization and Working Procedures of Elements Under the Chancellor: article 94(8-i), as well as Pertor UB, No. 17 of 2022, regarding the FIA's OTK: article 13(c).

Illustration of faculty academic senate meeting

Activities whose committee is chaired by Dr. Irwan Noor, MS has started work the next day, namely by sending a willingness to nominate forms to Candidates who meet the requirements to be nominated. Among the requirements are a minimum academic degree of Masters, a minimum functional position of Lector, and a maximum age of 60 years. After that, it is hoped that the Prospective Candidates will have sent their willingness or unwillingness no later than Monday (10/4). So, on Tuesday (11/4) the committee can announce the candidates who pass administrative verification.

The final agenda is the election which will be followed by all Lecturers of the Department of Public Administration. The activity will be held on Thursday (13/4) which will end with the submission of minutes of activities to the Dean of FIA UB. A candidate who is elected will be sworn in not too long after.

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