(Spec. Report) Closing of the Student Inbound Program, Filipino Students Admit They Miss the Friendship of the FIA UB Big Family

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The Student Inbound Program, which is managed by the Education Administration Study Program, has ended. For about 10 days, five students from the College of Education, Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines, sampled being FIA UB students. And today (30/3), their entire activity agenda was closed with a "Closing Ceremony". The event which took place in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd floor of FIA UB was attended by faculty, departmental, study program and lecturer and student committee members.

In his message, the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA, Ph.D expressed his gratitude that this activity could run very well and smoothly. He was pleased to know that the five foreign students gained a lot of new experiences about campus life and education in Indonesia. The Dean hopes that this activity can continue in the future by involving more foreign students. “I congratulate all of you who have successfully completed all the activities here. Hopefully it will be a valuable experience for all of you," said the Dean to the five students.

After listening to the message from the Dean, the five students were given the opportunity to convey their impressions while in Indonesia, one of them was Joshua Emmanuel Panganiban. To the audience, he expressed his happiness through this program. Apart from getting new experiences such as teaching directly in class – something he had never done while studying in the Philippines – he and his four colleagues were very impressed by the friendliness and service of the committee. He specifically mentioned his joy in getting new friends from Indonesia, namely the student committee who have been accompanying them while they were here. “I am here not only to learn many new things, but also to make new friends. It's not Indonesia that we will miss, but my Indonesian friends," he said while looking at the study program students who were appointed to be 'Buddy' while they were here.

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