Increase Competencies of Graduates, Department of Public Administration Stakeholders Input Network

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Public Administration Department held a national workshop titled “Information Networking Market Needs (Market Signal) in the context of Curriculum Reconstruction”. It was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor, and attended by stakeholders and internal department lecturers. Stakeholders who attended consisted of government institutions, private sector, academics, and mass media.

In his speech, the Dean of FAS UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D. delivered the purpose of the activity. As written in the title, the purpose of this activity is to improve the competence of graduates to suit the needs of the industry and the job market. Therefore, stakeholders who present solicited input for curriculum reconstruction usually held every five years. “We asked for input from the resource persons to increase the competency of graduates through curriculum improvements, especially for the Bachelor of Public Administration, Master of Public Administration, and Doctoral of Administration Studies majors in Public Administration," said the man who grew up in Lawang, Malang.

Among the present stakeholders was Moh. Nalikan (Sekda of Lamongan District), Maya Rosmayani (Vice President BNI 46), Prof. Agus Pramusinto (IAPA), Wignyo Adiyoso (Head of Pusbindiklatren Bappenas), Pamungkas Trishadiatmoko (TVRI), Fathoni Prakasa Nanda (Jawa Pos Radar Malang), Udyn Muhidin (Kemenaker), Febrina Kusumawati (Bappeda Surabaya), Ratminto (UGM), Anugrah Yuka (BRIN), and Dody Ruswandi (BNPB).

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