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Administration English Club (AEC)

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Administration English Club (AEC)

AEC or Administration English Club is one of LOF (Lembaga Otonomi Fakultas) in Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA), Brawijaya University focusing on English learning and improvement. 

As the common organization, AEC has basic goals that had been decided in the beginning of its forming. Those purpose are follows:

(1) Facilitating all students of FIA, especially the members of AEC to develop and improve their english, for the goodness of FIA and Brawijaya University.

(2) Not only FIA’s student but also another students that want to learn English together or join in our program.

Fakultas Administrasi, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, 65145
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