Ditulis pada tanggal 11 October 2013, oleh nurjati widodo, pada kategori Kegiatan

Journal of Public Administration (JAP) will hold the “Journal Writing Workshop for undergraduate students Department of Public Administration” on  November 12&13 2013. This event is restricted, there are only 200 participants  can participate. the participants will divided 100 participants on the first day (November 12, 2013) and 100 participants on the second day (13 November 2013).

The presenters in this event are:

  1. Dr. MR. Khairul Muluk, S.Sos, M.Si.
  2. Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Si.

The requirements to participate are:

  1. Public Administration’s Students.
  2. Above 5th semester
  3. A copy of student card
  4. The registration form at the JAP office

Registration is started on October 11, and at any moment might be closed when it meets the quota. This event is free of charge

Cp. Indah Rakhmawati (085649534581)/ email: indah.rakhma@gmail.com

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