Kategori : Kegiatan

Journal of Public Administration (JAP) will hold the “Journal Writing Workshop for undergraduate students Department of Public Administration” on  November 12&13 2013. This event is restricted, there are only 200 participants  can participate. the participants will divided 100 participants on the first day (November 12, 2013) and 100 participants on the second day (13 November 2013). The […]

Posted in 11.10.2013 | readmore

Department of Public Administration , Faculty of Administration , UB held a public lecture on Friday, February 22, 2013 , at the 2nd floor of building B . The college invited Dr . Ir . Fadel Muhammad as the main speaker . Participants of this lecture is that students take courses Government , Business and […]

Posted in 23.02.2013 | readmore

Faculty of Administration , in collaboration with UB and IAPA ASPA Indonesia ( Indonesian Association for Public Administration ) has organized the International Seminar and National Seminar on the theme of ” innovative governance ” on 12 to 14 June 2012, at the 4th floor of Building A of Administrative Sciences Brawijaya Malang . This […]

Posted in 20.07.2012 | readmore