Call for Papers : The 2nd AICoBPA 2019


This year of 2019, in a concordance with the 59th Anniversary of Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia, we proudly present the 2nd Annual International Conference on Business and Public Administration 2019 (AICoBPA 2019). AICoBPA 2019 invites scientists and practicioners from various fields related to Business and Public Administration around the world.

This is to accomplish in the development of Business and Public Administration. The theme coined in this international conference is “Advancing Business and Public Administration in the Age of Innovation: Priorities, Risk and Opportunities” that will act as a medium to discuss multidisciplinary topics in the field of Business and Public Administration. Through this theme, it is hoped that we can involve many professionals that have indirect roles in the related field of Business and Public Administration, such as :
Taxation, Tourism, Finance, Human Resources Management, Governance, Political Studies, Management of Information System, Library and Information Science (LIS),
Business Informatics, Education Administration, etc.

To enrich this event, the committee invite all national and international participants (including academics, researchers, professional managers, practitioners, and other related stakeholders) to send either research paper or review paper to be presented at the conference.

Save the Date:
Abstract submission : 24 July 2019 [extended]
Full Paper Submission : 2 August 2019
Camera Ready Papers : 30 September 2019
Conference : 23 – 24 October 2019

Selected papers will be published in the Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal (AAB&FJ) -an International Journal indexed by Scopus (Q3)Thomson Reuters Indexed Proceeding and ISSN Proceeding.

For further information and registration: