Peeling the System of Innovation in the Regions, Two Lecturers of FIA UB Launch a Book

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One more book by FIA UB lecturers is present in the community. This time the book is entitled "System Innovation: Local and Regional" co-authored by Dr. Wilopo and Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam, Ph.D. The book will be published in 2023 through the UB Press publisher.

Inggang Nuralam, representing the writing team, said that this book examines the essence of innovation that appears in an area from a systems perspective. According to him, the important role of the region as a center for economic development is sometimes neglected. In fact, innovations that drive economic growth often emerge from the regions. "This book is useful for academics, students and the government who want to continue to encourage the emergence of innovation in areas favored by the industrial world to develop their businesses," he said.

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