Guest Lecture Riant Nugroho Opens the MAP and PDIA Study Program Lectures

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Master’s and Doctoral Programmes in Public Administration FIA UB held an opening guest lecture for even semester’s lectures with “Public Policy Agenda for Indonesia 2024-2029” as the theme, delivered by Dr Riant Nugroho who is the General Chairman of the Indonesia Public Policy Society, FIA UB.

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB, Assoc., Prof. Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., PhD invites all students to be active in the discussion regarding the current issues related to Indonesia’s public agenda in the future, whoever it is that’ll be the next president in 2024. Not only that, but the Dean also explained the meaning behind FIA Anniversary’s slogan for this year which was SAE.

“SAE (Strong, Agile, Enthusiastic) represents the spirit of returning stronger than before, after the Covid-19 situation; being able to adapt to the new conditions and having high motivations to move forward.”

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